OPG World School Dwarka made a notable mark at the Panthers Football Championship hosted at The British School, Chanakyapuri. Despite fierce competition, the team's remarkable skill and cohesive teamwork secured them the 3rd position, reflecting the dedication and training of the students, alongside the support from the coaching staff and school community. Additionally, Tarun Sharma from Class 7 D and Yuvraj Singh Phogat from Class 6B were honored with the Best Sportsmanship Award for their exemplary behavior both on and off the field. Their conduct epitomizes the values of integrity, respect, and fair play instilled at OPG World School Dwarka. This achievement not only highlights the athletic prowess of the school but also emphasizes the importance of character-building and sportsmanship. Congratulations to the students, Tarun Sharma and Yuvraj Singh Phogat, and the entire team for their outstanding performance and for setting a standard of excellence in both skill and sportsmanship.