
A child is not like a robot that can be activated by pressing a button, instead, we need to cultivate a learning mindset and encourage the child's curiosity.

At OPG, we understand the importance of creating an environment where children are eager to come to school regularly. That's why we start fostering a love for learning right at their doorstep.

To ensure the safety and convenience of our students, we provide GPRS-enabled air-conditioned buses that transport them to and from school.

Our experienced bus drivers undergo regular orientation programs to adhere to our school's safety guidelines.

Additionally, we have guards and nannies who accompany the children to ensure their well-being.

At OPG, we prioritize the security of our students. Our well-trained personnel keep a close watch on visitors both during school hours and outside of them. We have implemented an excellent security system to maintain a safe environment for all.

School Awards

Call To Enroll Your Child

Enroll your child at OPG World School to unlock their full potential.
Our institution offers a plethora of educational opportunities, a supportive faculty and
a nurturing atmosphere. Give your child the optimal headstart on their academic journey.